
Speech070202_ICO2OliverDuex history

July 02, 2002
Speech Topics:


Siblings in Dad”s Sandbox:


?We have been taught that there are as many paths leading home to Paradise as there are beings. Naturally, there are as many reasons for a seeker to participate in a triennial Urantia Book Conference as there are partakers and actors — namely about 800 this time.


?This participant has several reasons for not having attended Urantia Conferences for quite some time. Most are personal reasons and not relevant here. But one I want to mention. Using the Book to read, study, and, may be, understand theological, philosophical or cosmological concepts, that are remarkably far removed from our daily living — the kind I have wondered why they were even shared with us and included in our revelation at this time of our planetary consciousness — has been a long tradition. The first study group at 533 met while sitting in rows facing a podium where they listened to prepared presentations. Doubtlessly it was a scholarly institution. Indeed, we have received a planetary, epochal revelation that will challenge our intellects for a long time to come. It has tempted most to approach it intellectually. And because we are all at different levels of understanding and development, during most of our Conference history, we were lured to wrestle “triodity relationships”, or the “primordial stasis of infinity that requires segmentation prior to human attempts at comprehension”, with our intellectual muscles, while all too often overlooking to emphasize, and show and tell about spiritual growth towards a personal relationship with our Eternal Parents.


?In our movement we have super achievers who were given a great gift of learning rapidly. I have a recent friend who has read the first
850 pages in two weeks, and from conversations with him I believe that he understands many philosophical theorems better than I have in 28 years. These achieving minds were in the past seen as a symbol that reflected the challenge of understanding the Urantia teachings especially at Urantia Conferences. Their presentations were admired by many, fretted over by others. “This movement lacks heart and soul — it”s way too intellectual — it”s even competitive”, was a complaint I have heard voiced quite often. And, no, I am not just talking about Urantia discussion lists with their quote-throwing feuds. 😉


?But does Father ever manipulate with intellectualism? I don”t believe he does. It is not my experience at all. And the religion of his Son, while living among Urantians, was a most simple one, a religion for the common (wo)man, teachings that all average and normal minds can understand perfectly. Our Heavenly Father loves each of his children and lives in each. Each can not only contact his Eternal Parents and learn to love them, but the Spirit of Truth will unfailingly guide us. The result is unfathomable joy and a natural service motive towards ones fellows. We can love our siblings as a consequence of receiving God”s grace. We can understand the Golden Rule. Etc.


?TEACHING MISSION INFLUENCE I have a desire to share some of my Conference experiences: overall I have never experienced a more loving acceptance, greater expression of service motive, superior intelligent cooperation, more celebrated natural joy, better love expression than during the recent week in the high Rockies. Well, maybe my long-time memory is not serving me any longer. 🙂


?But really, come to the next Conference and see for yourself how the movement is changing towards our Master”s Pattern. Our Master was not only there, he was emulated! The Spirit of Truth was not only made visible in our exchanges, it was allowed to function due to the open hearts of the many. The Conference theme, “Revelation in Action” was totally appropriate and it was simply lived.


?Twelve or more years of circuit opening — twelve or more years of celestial teacher contact to Urantia students. Something has happened that is beyond my knowledge, because the overall picture is obviously always bigger than a human can fathom. We know we are little children in Dad”s spiritual Kingdom. And as soon as a child learns one skill, there is something more to learn in the next moment. And this goes on for all eternity. Alle the while the universe is one gigantic university.


?So, what may be that “something” that changed from a left brain dominated intellectual lust to tackle concepts that have little or no relevance to living a life of love and joy and acceptance and surrender on a formerly segregated planet, to a feast of admonitions in the most creative manners towards a spirit that is led by our Mystery Monitors and Michael?s Spirit of Truth and other Spirit Forces that reach down into our existence just for our asking and seeking?


?Could this “something” be the actualizing and ameliorated spiritualization that invariably accompanies such a circuit opening? Are we experiencing the influence of those ten thousand of teacher transmissions on those many who have embraced our beloved revelation as well as Michael”s Correcting Time, of which the Teaching Mission is spiritually and powerfully fragrant. And we are growing internationally as well?



?STILLNESS AT IC 2002”s “REVELATION IN ACTION” One of the recommendations given by most celestial teachers is for each of us to commit to a period of daily stillness, first for merely ten minutes. A time a truth seeker may set aside to acknowledge and honor and love the Creator, and to share open mindedly and open heartedly the inner life with the God of ones personal understanding. Thus, I was both amazed and gladdened when “stillness” was mentioned and proposed during plenary sessions and worship in the huge auditorium and during presentations during those times when most participators were present.


?As an aside, I may share that in all my years with the Urantia Book, and hosting and attending many study groups, as well as participation in Conferences, I was not able to pick up on or be brought into any regular practice that opened me toward seeking and finding a continuous personal relationship with our Father in Heaven. Only when I begun to follow the teachers” advice was I blessed to learn the sharing of my emotions and inner life, and have Father turn them with his unconditional love into positivity. I began to receive God”s grace on a regular basis.


?In years prior, I received God”s grace and peace once in a long while during peak experiences, but today I can communicate with our Eternal Parents wherever and whenever I open my own circuits, whenever I pick up the telephone God”s Love expression is there. Thus I am grateful to our many teachers who never tire to remind us to do our stillness practices regularly, the discipline of love which is also the discipline of joy.



Judging by my mind and body”s reactions, the lack of oxygen at about 8.000 ft. certainly contributed to altered brain functions, such as impairment of short-term memory and an easily achieved exalted experiences of God-consciousness. So, when Spirit was present — and, siblings, allow me to tell you, Michael was ever present — my tears of joy were flowing so eagerly that my vision was impaired quite frequently. Much water was supplied to aid the body”s acclimatization. I want to suggest to supply tissues as well during the next Conference.


?One such devoted moment was the reading of Father”s letter to his daughters and sons. Error Strider wrote it years ago, and its truth content sheer overwhelmed me. I suddenly understood new aspects of my relationship with our Father, as well as in my own relationship to my sons. I was overwhelmed with joy when I received a greater understanding of that my Heavenly Father actually “needs” me! (I have a copy somewhere which I will share on this list soon. Remind
me to do that, please, if I take too long.)


?Talking about our older Brother Michael, his reassuring words were received Thursday night at the cabin that was set aside by Conference organizers for the Teaching Mission and T/R”ing. This was a special night. Teacher Daniel shared observations about our movement, while Corelli talked about growth in the Teaching Mission, followed by Christ Michael Himself, who allowed us to recognize that he is also capable of Urantian humor. He praised us with his unmatchable mercy and compassion. Can”t wait to read the transcripts. Again, tears of joy were rolling. I was enraptured. No, that”s not quite right, it”s not merely being swept away by pleasant emotions, it is joy that passeth my understanding, feels ever so natural, while experiencing unconditionally love. (Friday night we opted to celebrate with everybody.)


?The same night we were also blessed by a visit from the Most Highs. I was advised that these are the Sons from Edentia that preside over our Constellation of a potential of 100.000 inhabitable worlds. We do not ordinarily come in contact with this tribunal, because our System government is much closer. However, during the times of the System rebellion the Most Highs of Edentia administered aspects of Michael”s bestowal. In any case, I can”t wait until the other transcripts arrive.


?And let me mention here the marvelous service of our sister Roxanne from Loveland, Colorado, who recorded every transmission each night, and who has a tremendous body of work cut our for herself to transcribe these transmission gems. Thank you for your service, Roxanne. The same goes for Ellen, whom I got to meet up on high, who already posted Abraham”s transmissions from the Conference, as she works tireless to bring promptly all teachings from Abraham to us.



We were about 30 or 40 each of the four nights that listened to the teachers, with five or ten uninitiated readers joining to receive a personal experience of T/R sessions. All this with only an inconspicuous note on the bulletin board. We Urantia Book students, who also embrace the continuous revelation of the Teaching Mission, should not be unnecessarily modest to supply information to the IC committee and get the announcement of this grand opportunities into the program brochure. After all, T/R”ing was an activity that was regularly scheduled and held at the Conference and for which the Urantia Book is the source text.


?No one disallows other strains, such as New Age-flavored workshops. I do not see why the Teaching Mission should not be an activity option at any Urantia Conference that is open for us. It is actually up to us to improve on our own organizational skills. It might be good to consider creating a volunteer committee for the purpose of TeaM participation at Conferences. We are learning and should learn from missing this opportunity to a degree.


?This is not to say that the transmissions when transcribed will not provide valuable teaching documents for all. The teachers addressed themselves in an all-embracing manner, so that students on all levels can benefit from the lessons and come to a greater understand of what the Teaching Mission is about.


?Abraham shared during the first night: “Where one group may be representative of ideas, the Correcting Time participants are the action of those ideas. Where one group may be the thought of good intentions, the Teaching Mission is living those good intentions. Where one group is intellectually expressive, the Teaching Mission is about everyday living practice, knowing full well the pitfalls of the mortal struggle.” Thank you, Abraham. Thank you Christ Michael. And thank you All and all!

Oliver [Duex]