
Time_Line060704RevisedEventsInTEAMS_History history

A Teaching Mission TIME LINE

Beginning 1978 Through Portions of 2004

Editorial Comments By the Editor

The real time line for what has become known as the Teaching Mission commenced out of mortal sight on the spiritual spheres of Nebadon some 2,000 years ago after Michael completed his bestowal on earth as Jesus of Nazareth. It is reported that he had already conceived the idea for some time, and upon assuming his sovereignty of the local universe, his decision to provide Urantia access to the teachings and wisdom of trained celestial teachers was to be put into action when conditions were right. In this plan, the celestial teacher activity was to be preceded first by the teacher?s text of unusual factual depth about God and clarity about how the universe was organized to be known as The URANTIA Book. It was decided that when the celestial teachers appear they would use the Urantia Book to teach its concepts while reconditioning the human approach to spirit and the purposes of mortal life. The book and the teaching mission were to be later followed by a divine Unifier in a Magisterial Mission lasting perhaps a millennium. All of these steps in the revelation have come to?be in the present.

It is likely that the mortals of Urantia were tested down through the centuries to judge readiness for the 5th epochal revelation that embraces all three steps to rejuvenate and reclaim Urantia. However, not until the 20th century was there sufficient reception by humans to prepare for these revelatory programs. The text book could be produced without allowing for the adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion by the Ancients of Days, but it was considered too dangerous to attempt to open celestial lines of communication to students while the nefarious Caligastia could interfere with and distort their messages. The spiritual Supreme Court located on Uversa took action in 1985 and removed the threat of rebellion-led policies forever from Urantia thereby allowing celestially trained teachers to begin contact on the human level. By 2004, it was becoming obvious that a Magisterial Mission was soon to begin now that The URANTIA Book and Teaching Mission had established themselves at the human level of comprehension.

The reader is directed to view in the Links Section of this site the Urantia Book time line of historical events surrounding its beginnings.?We begin the teaching mission time line over 70 years later as when the first scout was sent to Urantia to prepare for the teaching mission activities.

1978- ABRAHAM The SCOUT. Abraham arrives on Urantia by special permission of the Ancients of Days this date being prior to the dispensation ending the Lucifer Rebellion. [Bertrand transcript for October 12, 1992 for 1978 date and see Bertrand transcript 9/21/92 for Ancients of Days permission comment]

1984 – NEW ZEALAND BEGINS HISTORIC CONTACT WITH FUTURE TEACHING MISSION. New Zealand group using channel connects to Abraham and then Machiventa Melchizedek for the first time. [Dr,. Pratt, August, 1989 University of Waikato, in the evaluation of the phenomenon in a letter states: “Since early 1984 Mrs. Miller has been functioning as a “medium” facilitating “communication” between the group of three men and, initially, a “spiritual teacher” called Bertha, then one referred to as the “Master Abraham”. More latterly the oracular persona has been “Melchizedek”.”]

1985, Fall – ADJUDICATION ANNOUNCED. Lucifer Rebellion adjudicated. Date may vary slightly due to time conversion from Uversa. [See Bertrand transcript 7/22/92 quote: “I can tell you it was in the fall of 1985, generally. Because of universe time differences, it is difficult to establish a specific date.”]

1988- ORIENTATION DAY. Original 100 teachers arrive on Urantia. Some of the advanced group arrived a little earlier. Some teachers trained a 1,000 years for this mission [Reference Bertrand transcript for October 12, 1992; Signa arrived on Urantia October 21, 1988; Bertrand trained 1,000 years, see 7/22/92 Transcript]

1989, June – initials “TY” in Iowa received this confirmation that Machiventa Melchizedek was the current Resident Governor General of Urantia. [6/89 Machiventa: “He is requesting confirmation, it is right he should do this. “One moment .. you will transmit this reply …. You are correct in your assumption that I, Machiventa, a Melchizedek, am resident governor general of the planet Urantia. You have requested authenticity of these claims … From the Paradise Father I give you confirmation … I AM .. This is the end of my message.”]

1989, July 27 – LETTER THAT STARTS IT ALL IN THE UNITED STATES. Letter from New Zealand arrives at home of Thern Blackburn who responds with questions and later follows up by establishing contact with the teaching mission in the United States. This may not be the first group, but it certainly is one of the first for the mission in the US. [Letter archived in New Zealand dated 8/89]

1991, January/February – Ham makes initial contact with the Woods Cross Group, and begins weekly lessons on March 7, which are recorded, transcribed and sent out to all who requested. Many throughout the Urantia Book family requested these weekly transcripts, which was the beginning of the momentum of what became the Teaching Mission.

1991, March – ORGANIZATION. Ham is announced as director/coordinator of the Teaching Mission. Abraham also visited on occasion, who explained that Teacher Ham was Teacher Staff Coordinator. Also, that he, Ham, was under Abraham and Machiventa”s direction.

1991, October 27 – The teacher Will introduces herself to the Tallahassee Florida Group

1991, December – Will discusses rumors of Gabriel?s proposed materialization in Utah and his failure to do so as of no consequence to the group.

1992, January – FIRST 100 TEACHERS ASSIGNED TO URANTIA. 100 Teachers assigned for teaching mission work [Daniel 1/13/92 pg 17 transcript]

1992, February 1 – CORRECTING TIME BEGINS ON URANTIA. Ham announces: “This day marks the beginning of the Correcting Time. Machiventa Melchizedek has arrived and has been duly inaugurated as acting Planetary Prince of Urantia – an assignment he has accepted from Michael.” [Rebecca transmitted this session to those in attendance at the Fellowship General Council which was poorly received at this Los Angeles gathering]

1992, February – Sarasota Group begins? possibly as an experimental group for the mission.

1992, March – MELCHIZEDEK SCHOOLS. The Melchizedeks will establish material schools when Urantia is prepared [Will transcript of March 29, 1992]

1992, August 21 – REDEMPTION MISSION GIVEN OKAY BY ANCIENTS OF DAYS. Gabriel arrives and brings with him the full approval of the Ancients of Days for all 37 planets involved in the Lucifer Rebellion to undergo the redemption mission. Up until this date, the Ancients of Days had given only provisional approval for the teaching mission. [Bertrand: Transcript August 25, 1992]

1992 – A COURSE IN MIRACLES commented on: Bertrand (10/30) “It is a personal revelation between an individual and their Thought Adjuster. The guidance for the Course In Miracles, the inspiration, most definitely is from Michael. They are not directly Michael?s words.”

1992, Nov 11 – Elyon group begins at Coeur D?Alene, Idaho

1993, April 24 – NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS DEBACLE. Holiday Inn meeting of 225 enthusiasts of the teaching mission expected Machiventa Melchizedek to materialize. This event represents the high point in numbers of those who followed and participated in the Teaching Mission; a culling out of the sensationalist through this event greatly reduced group numbers.

1994, May – MARGUL, A TRINITY TEACHER SON, CONTACTS A WESTERN GROUP to assure them the foundations are being put in place that will make possible the visitation of those high in authority to bring a new spiritual age to Urantia, and that this foundation building is the mission itself as well as other projects to uplift Urantia.

1994, May 17 – Mother Spirit, Nebadonia, speaks of the PROCLAMATION that informs the universe that Michael is returning to Urantia, and that Nebadon awaits the awakening of the mortal mind to acknowledge his staff and his spiritual presence in the near future.[See T/R News Network; Editor Allene Vick, July, 1995; Page 2]

1994, December. Corlatia and Coronas, ARCHANGELS, SPEAK OF THE DIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERS of their order on Urantia and how it is used to inter-communicate between isolated worlds, but that now, the regular circuits are being opened again and the archangel circuit will be used to institute new types of communication not seen here before. Even archangel training has to take place for this new form to be dependable on Urantia. [See T/R News Network; Editor Allene Vick, February, 1995; Pp 7 and 8]

1995, January 30 – ABRAHAM RESUMES WEEKLY TEACHING as he did weekly in New Zealand, and to the Woods Cross Group. Ham had moved on with Rebecca as the weekly instructor in December of 1992. The group were told to digest Ham”s words and when ready, a teacher would resume.

1995, Gavalia, a Brilliant Evening Star, affirms that MICHAEL HAS ESTABLISHED A PERSONAL RESIDENCY ON URANTIA. Emphasis that this is important but that Michael is not in material form. [See T/R News Network; Editor, Allene Vick, September, 1995; Page 5]

1995, June 8, – NEW DISPENSATION – Michael announces a new dispensation which clears out the last vestiges of the Lucifer Rebellion. It will take years for the human level to feel its effects. [Sarasota, Fla transcript 6/8/95]

1995, October – Teacher Johnson speaks to Michael?s preparation to use Urantia for his headquarter administration as well as planetary administration. [T/R News Network, August 1996; p 7]

1996, February – MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK SUMMARIZES THE MISSION to date. All the circuits are re-established between Salvington, Edentia, and Urantia. Urantia has many hundreds and thousands of Reserve Corp members who are ready to assist in case of a planetary emergency. [See T/R News Network; Editor, Allene Vick, Editor; Pp 9 and 10]

1996, March – POSSIBLE USE OF REFLECTIVATORS announced. Rayson Melchizedek forwards a message from the Father Melchizedek offering encouragement to mission groups and that he will sometime teach through reflectivity lessons through a T/R. A reflectivity corp of humans is to be established who will be “blinded” so that they may transmit reflectivity messages without knowing they do so to make them “tamper proof”. These messages will be transmitted through the more experienced T/R?s [See T/R News Network 4/96; Allene Vick, Editor; Pp 4 and 5; and on Page 7]

1996, April – FIRST DIRECTORY FOR THE TEACHING MISSION is issued by Gerry Baker.

1996, September – PLANETARY BROADCAST RECEPTION. Rantarason announces that within the lifetime of the group the Urantia planetary broadcasts will resume and that when it does happen, those who can receive them will have some moments of discomfort until they can be acclimated to. [T/R News Network, 9/96, pp 6 and 7]

1996, Oct & November – SYSTEM BROADCAST RECEPTION TO BE INSTITUTED. Berca and Johnson confirm the Midwayers will first help individual to receive these broadcasts when they are started and that the morontia circuitry is being put in place for their reception when the go-ahead is given. [T/R News Network, 11/96, pp 11 through 13]

1997, August – TEACHER NUMBERS NOW UNLIMITED. Rayson announces the unlimited expansion of the number of teachers available for the Correcting time for the rectification of Urantia. Those who seek a teacher shall have one.

1997, August – YOGANANDA speaks of his involvement in planning for upgrading and uplifting the planet through teaching. This teacher, while on earth, taught reincarnation and has been asked to see how those terms may be approached to teach the higher principles of ascension. [Team Conference Colorado, Transcripts August 22 and 23, 1997]

1998 – A year of consolidation for the teaching mission with the teachers beginning to integrate what is made available to them through the universe while stabilizing the groups still participating in the teaching mission.

1999, August – The COMING OF A MAGISTERIAL SON ANNOUNCED. Machiventa Melchizedek announces at SpiritFest 99 that Urantia is to receive a Magisterial Son, date of entry unknown. His name is known but not revealed [see name given date 15 Nov 2002] and is known as the “Beloved One”.

[on 12/18/99 Olfana confirmed the announcement about the Magisterial Son and LinEl expanded on the announcement on 2/16/00 as did Andronason on 9/15/00]

2000, November 12 – THE COUNCIL OF 24 (Jerusem) announces they support man?s initiatives concerning efforts in “inter-Species Alliances” and other associations. Every morning, the Council of 24 provides the Teacher Corp Urantia?s emerging cosmic perceptions that result from the re-encircuitment of the spiritual and communication lines on Urantia. The Council will take under advisement the possibility of an interview with a representative or Assistant to the Resident governor General. [See file: CouncilOf24111200Midwayer Interest-More on tmarchives.com]

2000, December -MIDWAYER REHABILITATION . Return of over 1,000 rehabilitated midwayers announced to work for Urantia?s reclamation. [Various transcripts including Machiventa Melchizedek 12/2000 and from the 1111 Group, George Barnard, in Australia]

2001, May-June- MISSION PHASE II – Machiventa Melchizedek announces that Phase II of the Teaching Mission is to begin which is to include a wider reception of the mission among Urantia?s population. May 27, 2001, Machiventa Melchizedek says Urantia ripe for contact with outside worlds (No. Idaho Transcript). New circuits are opening and transmissions will be easier as well. Isaac, Celestial Technician, 02 June 2001, transcript from Australia, 1111 Group.

2001, July 27, – MAGISTERIAL SON IS HERE – Abraham through SE Idaho transcript on this date announces presence of Magisterial Son on Urantia to begin his planetary mission. Confirmation came via Christ Michael and the Magisterial Son himself 10 August, 2001 through the DC teaching group. See Oliver Duex?s History File on the Magisterial Son.

2001, September 11 – TERROR ATTACK – Attack on the United States by terrorists – World Trade Center complex in NYC taken down by two passenger jets flying into them, and in Washington DC, the Pentagon was hit by another passenger plane. In western Pennsylvania a passenger plane crashed near Pittsburgh as passengers fought the terrorists to prevent a further attack on Washington. About 3,000 known dead. See transcripts this date and later in various groups transmit Christ Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek, Monjoronson, Ham, Elyon and others who comment on the tragedy.

2002, June 27 – NEW ARCHIVE WEB SITE. The web site tmarchives.com is up and running as a public service to search past transcripts by key word for the first time on this date. On January 03, 2003 this web site opened its browse section to the public to view the years of teacher transcripts by title and date.

2002, November 15 – MAGISTERIAL MISSION SOON -Magisterial Son, Monjoronson announces: ” I fully believe my mission will begin soon. I have been given Michael”s blessing, and he has left the final decision to me.” See the S. E. Idaho Transcript this date.

2003, January 03 – The TRNN (The Transmitter/Receiver Network Newsletter) began publishing again after a hiatus of about four years. The newsletter was begun in Florida by Allene Vick late in 1991 and continues anew in the same format from Allene?s home in Sterling, Va..

2003, July 20 – DANGEROUS – Monjoronson indicates that the humans species on Urantia has developed well on Urantia, but because the mind has not also been spiritually attuned humans have become dangerous to themselves and others who would approach them. Monjoronson also said that the Planetary Government would tackle the grass roots in education of the truth, while he would work from the top down. The Teaching Mission was trained to work in the Correcting Time to have individuals available that understood the nature of the correction and would cooperate to bring it about. [See file on tmarchives.com: Elyon 072003 Monjoronson -Satisfaction_TheMission

2004, January 08 – ARCHIVING. The Magisterial Son asks that the Teaching Mission update its archives to include other features including brochures, pamphlets, FAQ?s, and other elements in anticipation of his appearance. The site is to inform a much wider audience and should be designed to eventually take millions of visitors in a short period of time. Tmarchives contracted to a design firm shortly thereafter to expand what it offers and to be made much more robust to withstand heavier internet use. [See on tmarchives.com files: Monjoronson010804Daniel Teaching Mission Archives & Rayson021504MaintainingEquilibrium_Archives]

2004, January 29 – PROCLAMATION – Over a dozen messages were received in the United States and elsewhere announcing two distinct news items: 1) The Magisterial Son would begin his mission in months; and, 2) the Constellation Fathers announced the communications circuit from Salvington to Urantia was a multiple clear-channel method of transmission that made it possible to send many messages simultaneously and without error. [See file on tmarchives.com: Proclamation012904Monjoronson”s Mission-Clear Channel]

2004, February 28 – CAPTAIN ARMANDO spoke at Celestial Nights with the blessings of the Council of 24 – “We [off-planet mortal species] have looked forward since ancient times in your reckoning to be of service to you in a more overt way. This is the beginning of the recognition of our presence among you and it will become more overt, more of the world will recognize this reality and we will be part of the conversions, part of the Correcting Time. At times, we?d like you to know that Michael rides with us! This sounds funny, but he is a wonderful person to work with. We enjoy our association with him and we look forward to enjoying closer association with all of you. Please, open your hearts to receive our presence with you so that we may work more closely together. The more hands we can join together around this planet and in this universe, the grander the scale of the revision in the Correcting Time. [See tmarchives.com file: Monjoronson 022804 Michael-CaptArmando-Aaron-Mach_ Celestial Nights]

2004, April 15 – POLICY on URANTIA BOOK CHANGES – Machiventa Melchizedek responded to a question about such changes and made these comments: There was issued, quite a serious mandate to the contact commission to make every human effort to keep the structure, integrity, and content of the Urantia papers pure. Having this mandate in place, the human individuals involved in the contact commission did their best to compile, to edit, to include the papers in the Urantia book with the very best of intentions and to the best of their abilities, and they fulfilled their mandate to fulfill their requirements. These requirements were not issued to an institution, but rather to a set of individuals present, and therefore does the discussion arise about the purpose of changing the text. Each generation will have to take up this discussion on down through the ages. Do we keep unchanged word for word the scriptures? Do we include language that is common and normal at the time to make the message more palatable? Do we remove sections which have become politically incorrect? These are ongoing issues that are good cause for discussion and debate. The motivation that you have to be about the bettering of what you have to work with is the premiere issue at hand and one can argue over the details of how a motivated individual goes about doing better, but the spirit reality of your action is one of an attempt to be helpful, be fruitful, be beneficial to the process. This motivation is well noted in the spiritual realm, but nevertheless you have to answer to your brothers and sisters in the material realm who may take issue with you rearranging or editing any part of the text without giving complete credit to having done so. You are free to editorialize and to comment to your hearts desire as long as your additions and comments are clearly outlined as such and not indicated as part of the text. Otherwise we look to motivation, we look to intent . . . . [See file on tmarchives.com: Machiventa 041504 Teleconference-Policy On Urantia Book Modification]

2004, April 18 – MORONTIA BLENDING – For several months the teaching mission has been receiving information about the experimentation of blending certain morontia mind realities with the existing Urantia mind particularly with those in teaching groups. On this date, a Melchizedek teacher [Sondjah Melchizedek] assigned to teach morontia beings on the mansion worlds addressed the Northern Colorado group about this possibility and in what ways changes might be felt when the experiment is undertaken. For greater detail about ,these changes and what they mean, read the referenced files noted here.

[See files on tmarchives.com: Sondjah Melchizedek041804 No Colorado Rayson- A Morontia Education & SondjahMelchizedek 052304Rayson _The Spectrum Of Consciousness, & additional lessons in the series]

Original Timeline Produced January 05, 2001
Modified June, 2004
The Time Line is a work in progress.