NewZealand_1989_OpenLetters history
Index of Letters This File
Hamilton New Zealand 18 July 1989,
An Open Letter to all URANTIA Brotherhood Members
New Zealand 12 September 1989 Dear Thern, John, Ida, Mel, Bert & Beverley – Many thanks for your reply to our “Open Letter”
New Zealand, Sept. 5, 1989 Dear Brent, We welcomed your letter of the 31st July
Dr. Pratt, Lecturer on Religious Studies, University of Waikato Evaluates Group Phenomenon, August, 1989 , TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
Machiventa?s Remarks About The Open Letter of July 18th 1989
June 18, 1989, From T.Y. IOWA, I received your letter of 6 June 1989 and read it with great interest. I have long been of the opinion that Machiventa, a Melchizedek,
could very well be here now
June 20 1989 [responding to T.Y. Iowa 6/18/89]Answer from Machiventa Melchizedek:
June 23 1989 From S.L., Texas
July 30, 1989 From Matt, Florida – I received your letter the other day. Needless to say I”m a little shocked, intrigued, curious, but mostly, incredulous
New Zealand group responds to Matt of Florida 7/30/89
August 24 1989 From Carol Texas – We would like some clarification as to the “correcting time” as we know of no mention of it in the Urantia Book
August 3 1989 From Dennis Auckland New Zealand
New Zealand Group replies to Dennis, 8/3/89
7 July 1989 From A.B. Australia
August 2 1989 From R.G. Montana – I do want to know more —
much more about your startling, spiritual experience in getting to know Abraham and Melchizedek and receiving the stupendous news
August 3 1989 From T.B. Utah – We received your very interesting letter on July 27. We read and discussed your letter that night in our weekly Urantia Book study group. Four of the group including myself were inclined to believe the statements as truth
4 August 1989 From Bill Iowa – Although it is quite possible that Machiventa Melchizedek has assumed his position as Viceregent planetary prince and that such as fact would be made know to us, the purpose and meaning of all this puzzles me
8 August 1989 From Budd North Carolina – As you have discovered in your studies of The Urantia Book, mediumship, or channeling, is somewhat downplayed
21 August 1989 From Bill Mississippi – A few questions if I may: In your communication with Machiventa, has there been any mention of the status of the adjudication of Lucifer
August 9, 1989 From Larry Virginia –
At first I assumed what I was reading from you was another of the channeling type experience
18 August 1989 From H.H. Tennessee
My friend and I read with great interest about your experiences related in your letter of May 1989. We have a request, we would like to receive the text of some of the messages
24 August 1989 [Unusual Return Response of Interest]
. . . . The whole assembly seemed to be in some sort of disagreement about the fate of our planet. The whole Universe would be affected by the decision being made.
Machiventa Melchizedek STATEMENT OF INTENT
I, Machiventa a Melchizedek, Vice Regent Planetary Prince of Urantia make this statement: God intends for me to make ready the peoples inhabiting the Planet Urantia for the arrival
New Zealand
18 July 1989
An Open Letter to all URANTIA Brotherhood Members
Dear Friends,
We wish to introduce ourselves and, as fellow truth seekers, pass on information we know is of important to you.
There are four of us, Ruby, Charles, Martin and Benjamin, our ages range from early forties to late sixties.
We meet, usually every week, in the comfort of one of our homes and discuss our thoughts, feelings and actions of the previous week, followed by a period of silent meditation. It was during one of these periods of meditation in 1984 when the Higher Consciousness that is Abraham first spoke to us through Ruby.
The introduction began, and still does with the words “I am Abraham. I am your teacher.”
At that first meeting Abraham told us “I shall teach you the truth”.
After a few years we believe we arrived at a particular level of understanding and acceptance of the truth of these teachings.
Abraham then introduced us to his friend and teacher, Melchizedek.
It must be stressed we did not consider ourselves as religious in the usual context of the word. Knowledge of the Biblical Abraham was minimal and Melchizedek unknown to us.
In August 1987 Martin”s niece gave him a copy of the URANTIA Book. We were over whelmed. The URANTIA Book confirmed and helped secure our understanding. As our communications with Abraham and Melchizedek progressed, with reference to the URANTIA Book, it became evident that this collective wisdom was of great significance, not only for us, but for the understanding of all.
Where to start? This question was answered on reading Vol 13 No 2 ”The Urantia – Journal of Urantia Brotherhood” an article by Henry Begemann of the Netherlands. “.. Machiventa Melchizedek, Vice Regent Planetary Price of Urantia .. For an unnamed reason he has not yet assumed his office …”
We know Machiventa Melchizedek has made his presence know to us, and HAS taken up the position of Vice Regent Planetary Prince. This we know as fact. In November 1988, in answer to the question “Are you the Machiventa Melchizedek mentioned in the URANTIA Book?” We were give the answer “Correct. I come from the Father .. Am I not here? The Correcting Time is NOW”.
On March 16, 1989 Machiventa Melchizedek specifically requested that we relay these facts to you, this being his initial contact to confirm his presence. We will pass on any further communications as and when they are received.
“.. Machiventa Melchizedek .. one of the most unique of all characters ever to become connected with the history of Urantia and a personality who may be destined to play an important role in the future experience of your irregular and unusual world ..” Pages 1025:6.
We have been told of “the correcting time”. No specific date could be given for this as it is only known by God. Perhaps, and we believe it to be so, this IS the correcting time, a time when Machiventa Melchizedek shall invisibly inhabit the planet in order to prepare for the return of the Son of God, Planetary Prince of Urantia.
We have been told “the work” shall not be accomplished in our physical life-times. There is much to be done. We are part of “the relatively few, the vanguard.”
Obviously, as fellow truth seekers with questioning minds and hearts, you must be satisfied with the authenticity of our experience before you can make them your own truth, and to be receptive to any further communication. In answer we can only stress the sincerity of our motive and the belief that the messages will be their own authenticity, as in the URANTIA Book.
In the spirit of the URANTIA Book transcribers, we wish to be as anonymous as practicable, having no desire for cultism, sensationalism or monetary gain. Over the past five years, through our progressive understanding, sometimes painfully arrived at, but always with the knowledge of the unconditional love given to us by those who have us in their care, we have found challenges, joy and love central to our being.
In Fellowship,
We welcome any correspondence and can be contacted by writing to:
Mac Miller
PO Box 1056
New Zealand
12 September 1989
Dear Thern, John, Ida, Mel, Bert & Beverley
Many thanks for your reply to our “Open Letter” and your thoughtfulness in sending $20 towards photocopying and postage costs which is very much appreciated.
Your interest in our contact is encouraging for we do experience doubts occasionally.
The magnitude of our contact with Abraham and Machiventa Melchizedek and it”s relationship to the revelation of the Urantia Book is only just beginning to dawn on us! Even though we state in the Open Letter that we known the fact — knowing and full realization are miles apart. We think, and are learning to live with our Understanding!
This past 5.5 years has been a slow progression of understanding and acceptance for us so: We understand how many questions you and others must have after our Open Letter arrived “out of the blue” from “down under.”
We thank you for your interested questions which were read in the presence of Machiventa Melchizedek and enclose his reply to you, along with letters (and their answers) from Area Coordinators which we have received to the end of August. We shall as you request, send more material to you as it becomes ready (letters are arriving almost daily.)
We hope you enjoy and find the Material of interest, and look forward to hearing from you again.
Once again thank you for your thoughtfulness,
In Friendship
Ruby & Charles (Babs & Mac Miller)
P.S. A quote from Abraham which seems to sum up our “slowness” of realization – hope you enjoy it..
“As Dawn breaks over the Earth, So with Realization on the Mind. It is slow, quiet, until the burst of the Sun”s rays.”
Sept. 5, 1989
Dear Brent,
We welcomed your letter of the 31st July and apologize for the delay in answering, but the response of letters and queries has been really exciting taking quite a time to transcribe. The good news for us is the letters being passed around & so reaching far more truth seekers, especially those who are open minded and may bring in a greater range of queries for Machiventa to answer and prove his authenticity.
From the accompanying literature we hope you will find a few of your doubts answered, but will welcome any further correspondence.
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Love and Peace
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Martin and Ruby
[Dr. Pratt, Religious Studies????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????University of Waikato
Lecturer, Evaluates Groups?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Private Bag
New Zealand
Telephone (071) 562889
Telex NZ561109 UNIWKTO
Fax (071) 560135
August, 1989
I was initially contacted during August 1988 by Mr. Mac Miller concerning the apparently esoteric religious-type phenomenon he, his wife Babs, and their two friends, had been engaged in since 1984.
Meeting with them I formed the opinion that the situation as presented to me appeared to be one of “medium/oracle” and related phenomena. The substantive content appeared to be biblical and philosophico-religious. It was also clear that what was being asked for was a non-judgmental response that would accept the “reality” of the phenomena as presented, an help those involved to find ways of evaluating, checking-out, and otherwise “dealing” with it.
Mr. Miller, as chief spokesperson for the core-group, had elicited comment and opinion from a variety of people concerning what was happening. Reactions seem to have fallen into two categories – dismissive (as, e.g., Christian judgement that this is of the devil), or inclusive (i.e. as in including the phenomena within the categories used by the person consulted e.g. as in spiritualism per se).
Since early 1984 Mrs. Miller has been functioning as a “medium” facilitating “communication” between the group of three men and, initially, a “spiritual teacher” called Bertha, then one referred to as the “Master Abraham”. More latterly the oracular persona has been “Melchizedek”.
A detailed record of all the “conversations” (some 16 A4 exercise books of handwritten transcription from tapes) which have taken place has been kept. Material form these is to be subject to computer analysis.
As I see it, this is a complex religious phenomenon of a medium/oracular nature. The people involved appear genuine – neither “fringe” nor “freaky”; but rather, believing themselves to be caught up in something both significant and important, wish to find the most appropriate assistance in properly doing justice to understanding and dealing with it.
My role, as a student of religion and a researcher into religious phenomena, is to monitor and investigate the phenomena as presented with “detached sympathy.” There is, quite clearly, something of significance going here. The recent connection with the Urantia Book and related phenomena may provide a clue and the context to understanding.
I would commend the efforts that Mr. Miller & Co are undertaking to deepen their own appreciation and understanding. The reader of this may feel assured that they as direct participants and I as the academic observer/monitor will treat all information and assistance received with utmost respect and appropriate confidentiality.
Douglas Pratt, PhD,
Religious Studies.May 4 1989
[Machiventa?s Remarks About The Open Letter of July 18th 1989]
Our “Open Letter” was read in the presence of Abraham and Melchizedek.
Melchizedek: You seek my approval? You have approved this for yourself. You have done well. Simplicity, Truth, goodness and Beauty.
You seek approval from your peers. You may not receive such! Then what shall occur for yourselves?
You have been told “have faith in yourself.” Your letter has been written with much thought, felling and you have put into action. It shall be received as such. When you receive your reply it shall be to encourage you for more detail. You have tapped the appetite, yes stirred the interest, yes!
Charlemont: We would like, and it was our intent, that it would be you talking to the people, not us, we would just be a vehicle for your use.
Melchizedek: Correct, your next communication as I have said, shall probably be of detail. You have, in simplicity, given full information, but there are details they would wish. And it is right and proper. Then have courage. You have faith.
June 18, 1989
I received your letter of 6 June 1989 and read it with great interest. I have long been of the opinion that Machiventa, a Melchizedek, could very well be here now (possibly for a 100 year period) acting as the present resident governor general (see pages 1025D to 1026A) to guide the world over the transition from the materialistic age to the more spiritual one to follow.
Over the last ten years of my involvement in the study of the Papers I have noted may unique discoveries and events transpiring on our world. There have been many claims to having been contacted by celestial personalities made, and I have heard many differing statements made with reference to our present/future planetary prince and world administration.
I would be glad to assist you, the planetary government, and all seekers of truth in any way, consistent with our purpose and theirs, in helping the work at hand, this “time of Correct”, providing some confirmation of your claims can be made.
June 20 1989 [responding to T.Y. Iowa 6/18/89]
Answer from Machiventa Melchizedek:
“He is requesting confirmation, it is right he should do this. One moment .. you will transmit this reply ….
You are correct in your assumption that I, Machiventa, a Melchizedek, am resident governor general of the planet Urantia. You have requested authenticity of these claims … From the Paradise Father I give you confirmation … I AM .. This is the end of my message.”
June 23 1989
We attend the URANTIA Book study group. Most of us have had interest in the book at least ten years or more.
We are very interested in the “fact” that Machiventa Melchizedek has told you he is now our ruling Vice Regent Planetary Prince. We are all “somewhat” knowledgeable concerning the method that this information is “coming through” Ruby, but would like more information.
We would like to know more of what Melchizedek and Abraham said and of these experiences.
Please send whatever materials and information you deem would be appropriate and informative to us. Sincerely.
July 30, 1989
I received your letter the other day. Needless to say I”m a little shocked, intrigued, curious, but mostly, incredulous. I”m sure you”re aware that there have been others. I”ve only been reading the Urantia Book now for three years. In that short time I”ve encountered two people purporting to be John the Baptist and one Melchizedek. So you can understand my reluctance to sell my house and move to New Zealand.
The idea of Abraham (I assure you mean the Old Testament Abraham) runs counter to what is taught in the Urantia Book. ghosts of the deceased don”t return. Additionally, what is the purpose? Doesn”t it strike you as odd that the reigning planetary prince would be taking time each week to show up at your study group. You would think he would have more pressing engagements of planetary nature. And of all places, New Zealand?
Having voiced my concerns, I”ll give you an opportunity to explain.
[New Zealand group responds to Matt of Florida 7/30/89, following:]
Abraham answers:
I am not a Ghost!!! A jester this person!
Melchizedek answers:
My answer to your friend is this .. Obviously planetary management is diverse, is large. Certainly part of my “management” must be for Urantia and it”s peoples, therefore “time” is allotted for this. Surely this is understandable? Why New Zealand? It is young, it is fresh. Persons are you and are fresh. Persons are willing and able to assist in this management ministry.
We enjoy the humorous also. You see it is natural for persons to doubt, to query. queries are welcome. You see the man Jesus also was queried, and would be again, yes. So, as we have said before times, preparation must be good, has been good.
????????????????????????????????????????????????The land is tilled,
????????????????????????????????????????????????The seed is sown,
????????????????????????????????????????????????Germination is commencing and,
????????????????????????????????????????????????soon flowering will occur for Harvest.
You see, the persons you have sent your writing to, they ask of themselves .. Who are these people/ and they ask is their message truth? so they must trust in your integrity, therefore trusting in ours.
Then, I leave you for Abraham. Blessings.
There is much yet that is not know of communications such as this, and rightly so people are doubtful.
I leave you with this:
????????????????????????The strongest, tallest tree
????????????????????????is often buffeted by the wind,
????????????????????????by the rain, but still grows
????????????????????????strong, straight, true.
August 24 1989
We would like some clarification as to the “correcting time” as we know of no mention of it in the Urantia Book.
Melchizedek answers:
The Correcting Time, or Time of Correction is NOW. Is when the majority, rather than minority, have reached an understanding of Truth, Light Love which is God. From this can come much benefit for humankind. I have said beforetimes the correcting time may last for a period, in your terms of a thousand years. I am unable to give a time frame for this. You are understanding?
August 3 1989
Auckland New Zealand
I politefully request:
a) That Abraham confirm that he effects this method of communication via Ruby (know as channeling by us) with the full knowledge, and therefore implied consent, of the Planetary Government of Urantia (spiritual government).
Abraham answers: Correct. Nothing is undertaken without full knowledge, full consent.
b) Of Melchizedek, I request verification for Abraham”s credentials, and also, confirmation as to the fact, that the Constellation Courts and the Melchizedek Councils are in full agreement with the use on Urantia of this ministry to mortals, e.g. channeling Ruby, and that the Faithful of Days (or his representative) upholds the judgement of the Constellation Fathers on this decision.
Abraham answers: One Moment … you are correct. I am under orders. Nothing is undertaken without full knowledge, full consent.
c) of Melchizedek I request confirmation that the Most High Varondadek Planetary Observer of Urantia is in full accord with events, as regards these matters outlined herein, and that his report will be imminent.
Melchizedek answers: How imminent is imminent? … You are correct.
d) Are you, Abraham, and Melchizedek, prepared to acknowledge this trust duly to the Courts of the Ancient of Days, or any other celestial inquiry begun concerning Urantia planetary government, the spiritual rights of Urantians, and especially those Faith mortals who hold your trust and confidence on Urantia?
[New Zealand Group replies to Dennis, 8/3/89 as follows:]
Melchizedek answers: Correct .. I repeat, nothing is undertaken without full knowledge, full consent.
e) If men are motivated by and to, spirit, and women by Love, what should each aspire to spiritually?
Abraham answers: Your answer is in your query. Each to Each, yes, aspire to Love.
f) How can Covenant Love be widened, deepened and shared on a stage of Universal proportions? Is knowledge of origin the only binding factor?
Abraham answers: Knowledge of origin is but knowledge of God is it not? .. Is knowledge of Love, of Light, of Truth. To aspire to these knowledge, yes.
g) Memory, destiny, loyalty, do any of these change in importance in growth to personal maturity? What are some of the modifiers?
Abraham answers: Humankind is the modifier. Whenever you reach understanding you feel achievement, then comes doubting, and then comes understanding, achievement, and on and on, forever changing, expanding, is it not EXCITING?? (laughter) yes.
h) Can you name one thing mortals find that they lack as they ascend each Mansion World?
Abraham answers: Trust in Self. Trust in God. The doubting, yes then comes Trust.
7 July 1989
It was a pleasure to receive a letter from a fellow reader of the Urantia Book, and, in replying to the same I must emphasize that I express my personal opinion in response to the contents of your letter, armed with what knowledge God has blessed me with through my own personal experiences and where these are inadequate, I rely totally on the Urantia Book — a book which I have not the slightest doubt — is Truth.
Ruby, have you read the Book? and are you a student of the Book? I note you referred to it as “collective wisdom”. It is not, it is the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
One thing the book emphasizes is that there is no communication with us except through our Thought Adjuster. Michael”s Spirit of Truth, which bathes our heart, is a Spiritual Channel and does not establish a one-to-one communication — that relationship exists only between God and ourselves through our Thought Adjuster.
The Urantia Book does mention exceptions to the rule referring to visitations to Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and Jesus form Gabriel — there are always exceptions!
We are told to err in the direction of regarding any emanations to our minds as being, at best, from our superconscious, with the probability that it is our own psychic revelation or subconscious thought process (Pages 1000 to 1008 refer).
The book emphasizes we are all important to God – we are all important to God the Supreme – our planet is – on outer appearances rather sick – but we are going to get to Life and Life status – might take a while, however from a universal time viewpoint it is possibly just around the corner.
I feel confident that if you read and study the book very carefully, it will help you to understand yourself, the Universe and your experiences; but, from my own experiences and the experiences of those readers I have spoken to it appears important to discard totally all occult beliefs so as to be able to increase your level of truth to truly understand the very important guidelines to spiritual growth which the Blue Book explains.
Love and my prayer that our Father”s Will waxes daily in your life (and in the lives of Charles, Martin and Benjamin).
August 2 1989
I do want to know more — much more about your startling, spiritual experience in getting to know Abraham and Melchizedek and receiving the stupendous news. Others have and are prophesying the time of correction and I wonder if you have heard of them. A well respected member of the Urantia Brotherhood was told by the “voice of God” that the world as we know it now would end in May of 1983 or 85. Obviously it did not happen. Since then another reader and believer of the Urantia Book has received the same information, about 2 years ago, and has had revealed to him more details of how it would happen, when and what would happen to those who have faith in God, about 33% of the world”s population, and what is in store for those who do not love God or have faith in his loving Fathership. Recently I”ve heard from a correspondent of mine, that a few have been told by an “agent of God” that the time of correction is now. And now comes your experience and instructions to get the news out to us Urantians. The coincidence is amazing, I think, as if there is no coincidence at all. True, the first person was proven wrong, but perhaps the message he received was somehow garbled by his mind. As you well know, there have been uncountable numbers of others who have predicted the same thing, or nearly so, down through the centuries since the birth of Christ, and even before. Were they also being given a preview of the truth but garbling it in their minds? I confess, I”m a victim of the “cry wolf syndrome” if you get my meaning. However, even in the old fable of the little boy who cried wolf, the time finally came when the wolf did indeed show up. I think to myself, well, this may be the time after all.
Melchizedek answers:
I would answer … I have said, a time frame is not possible to give, but you see, there is much mis-understanding among humankind. When a person should receive a message concerning “the end” of something, persons, unfortunate it is, expect and declare far and wide that the world, your planet as you know it, live it, breathe it, shall destruct and be no more, and that those fortunate few who have know God shall be uplifted and carried away, Leaving those poor souls who have not know God to perish forever in the depths of hell, never to see the Light, and shall forever suffer. But you see it is a mis-conception. I have said the changes which people have been given message concerning the end, this ENDING is of a Consciousness, and a BEGINNING of a NEW Consciousness. It is operating, not so much on the physical, but on the meta-physical, perhaps for the many unseen, unheard, not understood. But there are the few who DO hear, DO see, who DO understand, you are all part of the few who hear,see and understand. I would like to know if my querists have understood this reply, it is of the utmost importance that they should do so. This is the reason for the many persons who declare far and wide doom and destruction, they have merely mis-understood. It is of such simplicity to understand, but humankind have complex minds and believe everything to be complex! But it is with all understanding that God understands.
August 3 1989
We received your very interesting letter on July 27. We read and discussed your letter that night in our weekly Urantia Book study group. Four of the group including myself were inclined to believe the statements as truth. We were wondering if we might ask you some questions that were raised by the group?
1. Does Abraham have anything to do with the Mortal Reserve Corps of Destiny?
Melchizedek answers: But of Course! He has special orders, yes.
2. Are the Reserve corps to play a role in the upcoming events?
Melchizedek answers: But of course!
3. Will the Urantia Book be attacked by the religions of authority, if so, when?
Melchizedek answers: It is doubt-full, but of course I can not answer for humankind free will, but it is doubt-full.
4. If Melchizedek has assumed his office, has the Lucifer Rebellion been adjudicated?
Melchizedek answers: I refer to my previous answer.
5. Did Melchizedek bring with him a Magesterial Son or will one be coming to Urantia in the near future?
Melchizedek answers: Magesterial Son is not yet present.
6. Will either Abraham or Melchizedek be contacting any mortals other than yourselves?
Melchizedek answers: We already do. I am not at liberty to give their names.
7. We desire to be of service to God and Man in any way we can, do you have any instructions for us? Please contact us if we can help.
Melchizedek answers: Your desire to serve is noted, continue in your understanding .. continue your acceptance.
4 August 1989
Although it is quite possible that Machiventa Melchizedek has assumed his position as Viceregent planetary prince and that such as fact would be made know to us, the purpose and meaning of all this puzzles me. If I may, I would like to pose a few questions. On page 1230 and 1680 of The Urantia Book, it states that no human being may “after death manifest active identity or in any manner establish communication with the living beings of earth”. Is the Abraham you speak of the Abraham of our biblical teachings? If so, how is it that he is able to communicate with us?
Why has Machiventa assumed his role as viceregent at this point int time?
Melchizedek answers: I refer you to my previous answers.
How has the situation changed as a result? Are we entering a new age?
Melchizedek answers: Yes. But you see it is of a gentle persuasion, referring you to my previous answer.
Why has this information been communicated to us/ How is it useful to us? What is the purpose?
Melchizedek answers: YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS? I refer you to previous answers. I would add to this person, and indeed, to all those querists. Do not be alarmed by my seeming non-answer, you see, we are happy to serve humankind, we are happy to enjoy your queries, and it is of the highest order of pleasure. Thank You.
8 August 1989
North Carolina
Our sincere and thoughtful thanks for you “open letter” of the 18th July. It has stimulated a great deal of conversation within our tiny 6 person study group.
As you have discovered in your studies of The Urantia Book, mediumship, or channeling, is somewhat downplayed — but then, the UB was delivered through a disinterested middleperson.
We DO have a problem with Abraham — IF it is the same Abraham associated with M. Melchizedek at Salem. The UB firmly states (in several places) that NO-one from an inhabited planet is permitted to return to the planet of this nativity after “death.” So her”s Abraham, if he be the same form scriptures, coming back to introduce Machiventa as Viceregent Planetary Prince. Hmmmm.
We have not problems at all — in fact, Hallelujah! at the arrival of what must be a new dispensation — the realization of Machiventa M as viceregent planetary prince. A great leap forward for this out-of-step, funny old place of ours.
We can find no references to the “Correcting Time” in the UB, nor the Concordex. With you, we are wondering precisely what is meant by this term.
Melchizedek answers: The phrase “correcting time” has been coined for your understanding, as I have said it represents a state of being. as to abraham, I have said, he has special orders, these orders come from God. He is a messenger of God, for God.
Comment from Charles: I think the concern of Urantia readers have, and a few have mentioned this, is the Urantia Book, which has been given as the Fifth Epochal Revelation, firmly states this cannot be. Yet we say it is.
Melchizedek answers: And I say: God is infinite. God chooses, yes. If you wish, to use your expressions, only God may change the rules! You see, The man Abraham, during his physical journey, all your years before, was already chosen, yes. If further discussion is required from the querist, I am happy for this.
This contact situation is exciting, to say the least. As one who personally knew Emma Christianson (“christy”), the stenographer who indited much of the UB during the 20”s, 30”s and 40”s, and having known many early readers of the un-published manuscript, I can appreciate the thrill of revelation – at least a little of it. The rest is envy. Thankyou for sharing.
21 August 1989
A few questions if I may: In your communication with Machiventa, has there been any mention of the status of the adjudication of Lucifer or the restoration of the planetary and system circuits?
Melchizedek answers: The adjudication of Lucifer has not yet finalized, but I shall say this, it has been decided that it is at such a state of present in your terms, that it is deemed quite correct for myself to accept my position, and to being the preparation. As to the system circuits, these are also in their final stages. You see, when changes are occurring the new must come in before the old phases our for there to be a balanced change, if one was to finish in an abrupt manner, there would be a space/time where nothing is, before the new enters. And can you imagine the shock waves which would occur? Gentle persuasion, gentle action! You see, God is ever thought-full of His children. Yes.
August 9, 1989
At first I assumed what I was reading from you was another of the channeling type experience which I no longer give credence to as far as their spiritual value is concerned, particularly since the Urantia Book states that we don”t receive messages from the spirit world. Often good, valid and uplifting messages come from sources attributed to these external influences, however I believe they originate within our own human consciousness, it”s one of the powers, talents or capabilities we all possess but don”t often use intentionally. However, as we know we do receive revelation, we are contacted sometimes by intelligences beyond our consciousness. The Urantia Book being one example of this. God does still speak to us and I can keep my mind open at this point to the possibility that this may be occurring in New Zealand. Your message was especially interesting to me as I am involved with people in a project directly related to the return of Machiventa Melchizedek. One of these people at this time in the final stages of accepting the role he has been prepared for throughout his life, and which he feels he is being asked to assumed by God, to become the final, consoling, end times prophet to the world – not only to introduce Machiventa Melchizedek as planetary prince but also to bring peace and hope to those have ears to hear during the impeding terrible, yet wonderful, times we soon will be passing through. God be with you.
Melchizedek answers: Yes. this is delicate. It is certain truth that not only do I have contact with Rubin, Charlemont, Martinus, Benjamin but also with many others. I shall not attest to the truth and authenticity of this person you make mention of. My purpose is to clarify for you that I am of the Higher Consciousness as is Abraham. Abraham is a messenger of God, for God. He has been given special orders for to do this. I am taking my position to prepare humankind, as I have said in answer to the previous query, the correcting time has not time frame that I am able to give, it may last in your terms, a thousand years. When all humankind arrive at a state of Light and Life, then yes .. end of message.
18 August 1989
My friend and I read with great interest about your experiences related in your letter of May 1989. We have a request, we would like to receive the text of some of the messages you have gotten, and we are interested in finding out about “the work” i.e. what does “the work” consist of? Please send us some of the messages from Melchizedek.
Melchizedek answers: The work! is MY work, is GOD”s work, is humankind work. The work consists of preparation. The work is the correcting time. My previous answers encompass this query I believe?
Then I should like a message given: You will do this?
Charlemont: We will do this Melchizedek.
Melchizedek: One moment .. Your queries are tentative, and it is understood. Your queries are reasonable, and it is understood. Your queries are responsible, and it is understood. Your Faith IS noted. Thank you. Shalom.
24 August 1989 [Unusual Return Response of Interest]
Conversation with Abraham
Charlemont: There is one letter we did not read to Melchizedek because it did not contain a query as such but we would like it recorded and perhaps some comments form yourself?
“I have been an active reader of the Urantia Book for twelve years .. My grandfather was a spiritualist and empath. I have always been very intuitive and spiritual. I have been automatic writing since a small child, and like your group have gotten inspirational messages before I found the Urantia Book. I found that I became very pragmatic about my automatic writing once I became familiar with the Urantia Book. I was able to wade through much of what I had received and found the Book reinforce my spiritual outlook.
I have three grown children and our daughter Carol has been open to communications since she was a small child. Six years ago she came running in from a date, and dashed up to her room upstairs. When she entered the room she felt the energy. She immediately turned around and came into my husband and my bedroom, she said that the energy was high, she could feel it. I assured her it was o.k. and to just go to bed. She came back seconds later. She had burned out two lights when she had flipped on her switch. I then went into her room with her. Convinced her it was just a coincidence. In about five minutes she came back into our room and said she was hearing voices and could see pictures (she was eighteen at the time).
This was her vision: she was seeing a large room which she felt was filled with spiritual people. There were two main speakers. These two men were discussing the planet Earth. The whole assembly seemed to be in some sort of disagreement about the fate of our planet. The whole Universe would be affected by the decision being made. Carol was describing what she was seeing and hearing to me. She appeared to be in a trance state. Her ears were Beet red. She described the two men who were discussing the planet and hear their names spoken. They were Melchizedek and Abraham. She seemed to be there … somehow hovering in this massive room. When the trance was finally broken she had tears running down her face. She says she felt the importance of the decision. Of the meeting. That it had something to do with the “correcting” on the planet earth. Of making something wrong/right again.
I write this to you only so that you may have substantiation from someone else that what you have been receiving has been received by others. I wish you well and pray that you will continue your messages and forward them onto all who wish to receive the guidance.
Abraham answers: Yes. The child witnessed, and it is correct. It was at such a meeting place that was deemed a necessity for me to be given special orders, special permission. These orders consisted of contact through Rubin, for to prepare for Melchizedek, Friend/Teacher. To accomplish this contact it was, as you are aware, most necessity to appeal to “Bertha” to approach and make ready. Yes gentle persuasion .. and the child is correct, yes. The writer of this letter has served you well.
Charlemont: I know exactly what you are saying!
Abraham: And is this not EXCITING? At that meeting place/time much heat was generated with the prospect of exciting times, future, present. The child”s colored ears would have reflected from the heat generated. And much exciting time, present, future – YES!! The scene she describes is not a room as you would perceive it to be.
Then, your busy-ness has begun. Do not concern, in God”s work you shall have God”s time in your time.
????????????????????????Time is but a passing
????????????????????????Time is for-ever
????????????????????????There is not limit of God”s Time
Machiventa Melchizedek
I, Machiventa a Melchizedek, Vice Regent Planetary Prince of Urantia make this statement:
God intends for me to make ready the peoples inhabiting the Planet Urantia for the arrival of Prince Michael, Son of God.
This work as Vice Regent consists of gathering those persons who do hear, who do see, who do understand GOD. This gathering of persons shall eventually spread light, truth, love throughout humankind.
I used the term “Correcting time”, this terminology has been coined to give humankind some indication of the intent. To correct something is to alter course. This alternation of course may take some considerable time/space in your terms. There is no way a time frame can be allocated for this. It is dependent entirely on individual humankind acceptance and understanding.
I shall be working with the co-operation of certain chosen persons. This communication is being delivered through one such. There are others, and there may be others, also dependent again on humankind acceptance and understanding, never forgetting the freewill of humankind.
Abraham is “used” by myself as a “scouting party” and in turn I am “used” thus. We make ready. This is my Statement of Intent. Thank you.